Milk is thrown away if it does not pass the tests.
Animal parts were thrown away if they were not delicious.
For example, if you have erroneously modeled operations inside of a template instantiation or an anonymous union, then such operations need to be thrown away.
If you often find yourself buying groceries that end up being thrown away, or if you get lured in by the cookies or ice-cream, then having a list will help.
A lot of our freedom is thrown away if we are unable to claim ownership of our time.
If we get thrown out of a window on the top floor of a skyscraper, we expect to hurtle to the ground, no matter how much we would rather fly away and land safely elsewhere.
There — damn it! If you have any kisses to spare, give them to Linton: they are thrown away on me.
Rob: A good idea. Earlier I asked you if you knew approximately, how many phones are thrown away in Europe every year?
Even those additional costs may be feasible if it means the continued use of hardware that might otherwise be thrown away.
If one material wears out and cannot be separated and replaced, the entire product must be thrown away.
But what if we want an object's children to be thrown away on deletion, too?
Judy: It is, actually. If we reuse one plastic bag, it means that one less is being thrown away. And that must be good for the environment.
If so, the reader knows to reduce the percentage being thrown away and USES the number first read.
Earlier I asked you if you knew approximately, how many phones are thrown away in Europe every year?
If you have any kisses to spare, give them to Linton: they are thrown away on me.
If you get mites, depending on your choice of treatment, the enclosure should be thoroughly cleaned, anything that can be thrown away should be, anything that can't should be treated.
If you get mites, depending on your choice of treatment, the enclosure should be thoroughly cleaned, anything that can be thrown away should be, anything that can't should be treated.