If you are fine with my winning of the English speech contest, I don't think it's such a big deal.
If you want to make a big change in how you're handling your anger, think about what you'll gain from that change.
Spring 2002 would be a good time to get to know the spec if you think it will offer big enough benefits that you want to try it out as soon as it reaches Proposed Recommendation status.
But you will be making a big mistake if you think it will happen this time: there will be no V-shaped recovery; perhaps no recovery at all.
If you give a good compliment the recipient will think you're smarter: a big payoff in college, but a bigger payoff in the work world.
The challenge is this: if your big law firm or accounting firm doesn't think it has a space allocation/stuff tracking/office mapping problem, you won't be looking for a solution.
If you think Gladstone is funny (and yes, I know that’s a big “if”), do you really want to join his group and announce it to the world?
If the problem is big enough, or you think others might encounter a similar situation, call a short meeting to discuss and come up with solutions.
'If you think it's too big to fail, whatever that means, then maybe you're more likely to lend to me a low rate.
You will take a big step toward overcoming stage fright if you think positively, choose speech topics you really care about, prepare thoroughly, and concentrate on communicating with your audience.
Dr. TURNER: So in fact if you ask how big or how small could it be without changing life on Earth, I think it can't have been different than one over 137 by more than about 10 or 20 percent.
However, if you're creating problems, or if you think every fight is the "big one" leading to a breakup, you should probably rethink your relationship.
Other people see you from the satellite level, so if you think of yourself from that big picture perspective, you'll tend to be more accurate.
We wonder if you think it's too small and obsess about whether it's at least as big as your last boyfriend's.
If you give a good compliment the recipient will think you're smarter: big payoff in college, but bigger payoff in the work world.
That's about all I see. Please tell me if you think I overlooked something or about the big hidden drawback I didn't think about.
Big John: And if I was a spy, what would you think of me then?
And if you're a Facebook bull you think that means the really big stuff is still to come. Mahaney.
And if you're a Facebook bull, you think that means the really big stuff is still to come. Mahaney.
If you really do spend most of your time watching movies on the iPad, maybe you should think about buying, you know, a big TV.
But if you think our sun is big, think again.
If you think of culture as a great big garden, it has to have its compost as well.
If you want to encourage people to think "outside the box," it can actually help to get a big cardboard box and then make them sit outside of it.
I think if you play with this defence in another championship or even in the champions League, it is not a big deal.
If you think about it, most accomplished people in our culture are entrepreneurs who have taken big risks to net proportionally high rewards.
When I was a child, my father always told me, Ivanka, if you're going to bethinking anyway, you might as well think big.
When I was a child, my father always told me, Ivanka, if you're going to bethinking anyway, you might as well think big.