This allows you to ignore case and/or accents.
You must ensure that the Ignore Case option is always enabled.
您必须确保Ignore Case选项总是激活的。
Verify that the Ignore case for authorization option is enabled.
验证Ignore casefor authorization选项是否被激活。
The second method is to use the -i option, which tells grep to ignore case sensitivity.
Grep can find fixed sequences of characters and can even ignore case with the -i option.
grep可以查找具有固定顺序的字符组合,甚至可以通过使用- i选项来忽略大小写。
To further complicate the requirements, you will ignore case when you make the comparisons between artist names.
You can also enable the "Ignore case for authorization" option when you are using SSO (single sign-on) between the product and Lotus Domino.
当您正在产品和Lotus Donimo之间使用SSO(单点登录)时,您也可以激活“Ignore casefor authorization ”选项。
If you want to ignore case sensitivity on searches every time you enter a vi session, you can add the line set ignorecase to the.exrc file in your home directory.
如果希望每次进入vi会话时都启用不区分大小写的搜索,那么在主目录中的.exrc文件中添加set ignorecase行。
We mention it for completeness only, so you may ignore this case.
Setting the case level attribute to on and the strength attribute to primary level will ignore accent but not case.
Which means that, provided you ignore letter case, the two strings are equivalent.
In the case that your repository does not support such dynamic property addition, then it should ignore extra properties.
Therefore, you need to ignore the request if this is not the case.
If the tables don't exist (which is the case if the database was just created), an error message is displayed; but as the preceding SQL comments indicate, you can safely ignore those messages.
This third parameter tells the Compare method whether it should ignore the letter case when making comparisons.
In that case you can right-click and choose to Ignore the result.
在这种情况下,您可以单击右键,并选择Ignore the result。
If some are missing, either ignore the errors (they are to be expected in this case) or add JMS selectors to the activation specification in the Application Server administrative console.
The group seemed to ignore the fact that the information they are proposing to put on the front of the pack is already on the back-of-pack in every case.
An element usually consists of two tags, a start tag and an end tag, each of which is bracketed by an open and a close. XML is case sensitive and does not ignore white space.
Case sensitive : search is performed with respect to the letter-case of the words (default is to ignore letter-case)
If you ignore the JUnit-specific code in Listing 2, you can see that the test case is now quite neat and concise.
If there is, then you can either ignore the request (in the case of the follow) or act on it (in the case of the unfollow).
Variations occur if you have 8 + processors or have changed the Settings manually but I will ignore this for now and talk about the common case.
若使用8 +处理器或手动改变设置,该堆大小会有所变动。
In the case of BPA and other chemicals of its sort though their increasing prevalence and a number of human studies that associate them with developmental issues have become too worrisome to ignore.
Each of the words to ignore appears in lower-case letters on a line by itself and is no more than 10 characters in length.
In all the years I've been in it and using XP, I can't think of a single case outside of a committed XP team where I could say, "Ignore that part of the design for now," and escape unharmed.
In all the years I've been in it and using XP, I can't think of a single case outside of a committed XP team where I could say, "Ignore that part of the design for now," and escape unharmed.