Strategic planning part and implementation part in immediate plan shall be categorized into strategic planning and operational planning respectively.
The company will have enough space grain to produce about 100 bottles of beer but has no immediate plan to make it a commercial venture, Sapporo officials said.
Of course, Mr Obama has no credible plan to deal with the deficit either. But at least by backing a stimulus now he has a cogent answer to the immediate problem of the stuttering recovery.
The plan advocates immediate steps to reduce emissions, increase fuel efficiency, end subsidies on fossil fuels and create laws that put a price on carbon.
Judging from the immediate reaction, the plan will face plenty of obstacles.
Details were not released, but the plan would begin with an immediate halt to the fighting to allow in aid, followed by talks involving both Israel and Hamas.
Yes, we need to provide immediate help to families who are struggling in places like Flint, but we also need a serious plan to create new jobs and industry.
Recent funding for a conservation plan, through Birdlife Asia, a conservation group, is a start. But protecting colonies from egg-hunters is the immediate challenge, and not only in Zhejiang province.
WHO is working with the Ministry of Health in Yemen to plan for further intensive house-to-house immunization activities in the immediate geographic vicinity of the cases.
If goals are your destination and a vision is your fuel, your plan is the map to get you there; without a plan, you have no idea what immediate steps to take to achieve your goals.
The plan is to raise a pile of cash to help support immediate response efforts to help stop poaching and to influence politicians to launch their own conservation programs.
Develop a plan that sets you on an immediate course to doing something.
At the bare minimum, we find that "doing nothing" is the best immediate-term plan of attack here.
不管怎么说, “什么也不做”是当前最佳的攻防手段。
Far from requiring immediate spending cuts or tax increases, a credible plan would reassure markets and allow an orderly exit from fiscal stimulus.
Develop a fully-budgeted plan with the resources and funding required to address XDR-TB, including through necessary improvements in overall TB control and HIV care in the immediate and medium term;
The immediate threat of contagion from Greece receded on June 29th when the Greek parliament passed a plan for more austerity, opening the way for the country to get another chunk of bail-out money.
IMMEDIATE worries about a Greek debt default were allayed on June 29th, with the passage of a first vote in the Greek parliament on an austerity plan.
If the initial plan requires immediate logistical support, assist in selecting the worksite, setting up equipment, and beginning the operation.
If the operational plan does not require an immediate tactical response, offer technical assistance to existing tactical operations.
Business Plan Deployment is a simple process to manage the business which only requires discipline for successful implementation. With effort and commitment, good results are immediate!
But the confusing Pisces Full Moon is in your noisy 3rd House of Immediate Environment, so you might not be so effective today when attempting to put your plan into motion.
We must plan a program covering our immediate and our long-range needs.
German taxpayers might accept that the immediate costs of our rescue plan are smaller than break-up.
Our long-term follow the United States space network strategy and planning, so that some people in cyberspace community only immediate value, does not consider the long-term plan;
If the plan requires immediate logistics and operations functions activation, begin assessing safety issues of the operation.
If the plan requires immediate logistics and operations functions activation, begin assessing safety issues of the operation.