The "Table of Import tax rates on Personal Luggage of Passengers and Personal Postal Parcels" (hereinafter referred to as "tax rates") is part and parcel of this set of provisions.
Our company will import amylum made in UK. Is it dutiable under the most –favored –nation rates or the ordinary tax rate?
Our company will import amylum made in uk. is it dutiable under the most ? favored ? nation rates or the ordinary tax rate.
The corresponding import tax items, tariff serial Numbers and applicable tax rates for agricultural goods subject to the administration of import tariff quotas shall be promulgated separately.
However, the evaluation of import duty is a base for calculating other tax rates such as excise tax and value-added tax, which resulted in higher prices for imported cigarettes.
However, the evaluation of import duty is a base for calculating other tax rates such as excise tax and value-added tax, which resulted in higher prices for imported cigarettes.