By fifth grade, a child at the bottom of the class reads only about 60, 000 words a year in and out of school, compared to a child in the middle of the class who reads about 800, 000 words a year.
Our study can be divided into two parts: one is in class and the other is out of class.
In class, teachers must apply language according to different student levels, and they should use exact, clear, fluent and contagious language to infect students out of class.
To improve experiment results, teachers should carry out pre-class coaching before class, guide the students in the course of the experiment and analyze and sum up the experiment after class.
Methods Sandwich-course was tried out in a class of medical imaging specialty. Class teaching and clinical practice were carried out by turns at the same time.
Second, don't only learn grammar rules. Try to read stories in English, and speak English both in class and out of class.
Finally, the paper tries to put out defuse strategy of the "large-class" and class size of primary school of Nanyang city in the future.
Our study can be divided into two parts: one is in class and the other is out of class.
Our study can be divided into two parts: one is in class and the other is out of class.