The "Elements" (of Euclides Geometry) spreads the knowledge of plane geometry in China.
This paper lists the transformation of thinking in junior school plane geometry application.
The theorems, formulas and principles in plane geometry reveal the intrinsic relations and basic laws of geometrical concepts.
The"Elements"(of Euclides Geometry)which Ricci and Xu Guanqi, an outstanding Ming scientist and minister of rites, jointly translated, spread the knowledge of plane geometry in China.
Looking down from the plane, it is a satellite map buried in snow. Factory area, the draft of architect, maze, people are working in these modern geometry architectures.
In addition, there are round, square, cross, such as plane geometry.
The symmetry algebras of 1 + 1 dimensional nonlinear evolution equation arising from the motion of plane curve in affine geometry are systematically studied.
系统地研究了来自于射影几何中平面曲线运动的1 + 1维非线性方程的对称代数。
The planar geometry and linear curve shaped plane geometry plane belongs to plane frequently used in landscape design component factors.
Solutions to problems in descriptive geometry such as finding the relative positions between straight lines between a straight line and a plane, and between planes are found by computerized graphics.
The problem of attaining the tangent equation of a certain point on a quadratic curve is basically solved in plane analytical geometry.
The teaching of plane analytical geometry is short of the suitable courseware resources in practice.
This mode of revolution can be used not only to solve the problems in plane geometry, but to deal easily with orientation and measurement of space geometry elements.
Straight line and plane are two basic concepts of geometry; they are also two special difficulties in the teaching of solid geometry in middle schools.
In the transformation of descriptive geometry, no matter the method of change plane or revolve, the oblique line can be changed to a vertical line in two successive transformations.
Cauchy's inequality is characterized by its structurally symmetrical grace, which finds wide application in middle school algebra, geometory, plane geometory and analytic plane geometry.
Through the method in which a plane in space can be determined by normal and normal plane, the complicated problems in space geometry can be imaged into the problems in plane geometry.
Editing in 3d environment by a digital control plane, the method can deal with some geometry efficiently, such as point, line, and polygon, etc.
The circle-power theorem is one of important theorems in plane geometry.
With some examples in plane geometry, the author indroduces how to use Desargues theorem to simplify the proofs of problems of collinear points and concurrent lines.
利用代沙格定理及其逆定理 ,对平面几何的几个共线点和共点线的问题给出简捷的证法。
In this paper the geometry properties of the plane four-bar linkage which can generate a symmetric path are discussed.
In the Mathematics Test, three subscores are based on six content areas: pre-algebra, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, coordinate geometry, plane geometry, and trigonometry.
By means of com programming, the bending and plane geometry feature recognition of blank layout for the car punch parts were completed in blank layout optimization.
In order to have a better topology of the final mesh we created a high-tessellated plane and we projected it onto the base terrain using the Geometry Projection script found on scriptspot.
为了使最后网孔呈现出更好的地形特征,我们创建了一个高度棋盘格式的平面图,使用scriptspot找到的Geometry Projection script将其投射到基础地形上。
In order to have a better topology of the final mesh we created a high-tessellated plane and we projected it onto the base terrain using the Geometry Projection script found on scriptspot.
为了使最后网孔呈现出更好的地形特征,我们创建了一个高度棋盘格式的平面图,使用scriptspot找到的Geometry Projection script将其投射到基础地形上。