It may be possible for you to get a system that does a lot of other things in addition to word processing.
In a word just as Jules Vemne said, "Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real."
It includes four steps: seeing a word, getting back its meaning from your memory, connecting it to other words in the same sentence, and then moving on to the next word. This process uses many parts of the brain at one time.
Furthermore, in an organization where this scenario plays out, word spreads very quickly, often causing other managers to proactively return to micro-management as a self-protective measure.
The Method Sketch could be documented on a white board; in a word processor document, spreadsheet, or visual model; or using any other support.
In this case, I chose to give a simpler display that includes all the word forms for the synset in square brackets, the gloss, and then any further links to other synsets.
This technique is good for fixing a typo or otherwise replacing a recurring word, phrase, or other string in a file or group of files.
There is no flourishing universities or educational institutes or other organizations. Naypyidaw has become a word in a sentence that will normally include a lot of cursing words.
Swype will auto capitalize the first word in a sentence like other keyboards.
In less than 64 MB, Feather packs in a basic Linux system with a minimal Web browser (Dillo), word processor (Ted), window manager (Fluxbox), and a few other applications.
Each line in the file will contain a word and its synonyms separated by a space character or some other known token.
Everything I had put in my brain poured out the other side. I managed to pass the exams, but if you asked me one word in French or German a week later, I was done.
But every once in a while, the use of a word like "still" or "only", stuck in an other boilerplate sentence, will signal actual news.
W: you will be working with two other head brokers, in another word, you will be handling about a third of our clients.
In other word, the report consists of a table with as many rows as records in the dataset and as many columns as elements defined in the detail band.
It's a code word we use to positively identify you in case you lose your passbook or there is some other need for positive identification.
Zhang ailing ever said a very incisive word: There are two roses in every man's heart: one is red rose and the other is a white rose.
The bots basically find something that they have not seen in the past, create a word based on a random combination of syllables, and then tell the other robot the word that they have just created.
Can you think of any other examples that were in virtue of the content, the meaning of a particular word?
Madame Magloire returned immediately. We said our prayers in the drawing-room, where we hang up the linen, and then we each retired to our own Chambers, without saying a word to each other.
There is in other words in Ricoeur's view a hermeneutics of suspicion, and "skepticism" or "suspicion" is a word that can also be appropriated perhaps more rigorously for philosophy as negativity.
It's a language of the subconscious, and it allows us to connect to other people through our work in ways that the spoken word cannot.
I have no time to tell you the whole story, in a word, they become hostile to each other.
Instead, REM "plays a role in helping people detach their memory of that word from being able to use that word in other contexts," she said.
We also have a word in Swedish which we don't have in other languages which is lagom.
The Romans adopted this name for the great body of water beyond the Mediterranean and since their other word for a big body of water was mare they in fact called the outer one the mare oceanus.
The Romans adopted this name for the great body of water beyond the Mediterranean and since their other word for a big body of water was mare they in fact called the outer one the mare oceanus.