When I see a man in a state of anxiety, I say, What can this man want?
I made this remark at a time when there had been panic buying in Beijing, and the people here had been in a state of anxiety for two weeks.
The most obvious precursor of our present hypochondriac culture was Andy Warhol, who lived most of his life in a state of anxiety regarding the ailments and imperfections of his' bad body. '.
Yes, they certainly have moments of elation, but it is not an exaggeration to say that most of the time they are in a state of fear, anger, frustration, anxiety, disappointment, betrayal, and regret.
Ask yourself and notice whether you are living in a state of fear and anxiety or whether you feel calm and optimistic everyday.
The ominous white morality police vans that patrolled the streets kept young people in a permanent state of anxiety.
Do you live in a state of constant stress, anxiety, fear and panic, or do you enjoy peace of mind?
The meditation group showed an increase of brain activity in the left-side part of the frontal region, which is associated with lower anxiety and a more positive emotional state.
In my experience, when our mind is full of anxiety, and general static, we are often re-experiencing a "child state of mind."
There is a need of further research into the cause that the trait anxiety is higher than the state anxiety in this test.
It appears to have done no more to alleviate public anxiety than did the execution in 2007 of a former head of the State Food and Drug Administration for taking bribes to certify products as safe.
I was in a State of wavering and anxiety Because of Their Words.
Ding Ling is still in the state of contradiction and anxiety that brings a distinguished Polyphony to Ding Ling's novel.
延安时期丁玲内心仍处于矛盾焦虑的状态。 这种矛盾交错的心境和思想心态造就了丁玲小说难得的复调性。
In language learning, motivation and attitudes are related to anxiety defined as a state of apprehension, a vague fear.
The situation put her in a constant state of anxiety.
The situation put her in a constant state of anxiety.