And in a Wednesday statement on Linden's blog, company CEO Mark Kingdon identified "platform stability, viewer performance, lag, inventory management" as priorities in the short term.
Mak Chito, an interior ministry official on the investigating committee, said in a television interview Wednesday that the panel will likely release an official statement in the next few days.
"When I was 10 years old, I promised myself that if I ever had the opportunity to write this book, I would jump at the chance, " Colfer said in a statement Wednesday.
"We removed the WikiLeaks App from the App Store because it violated our developer guidelines," Apple said in a statement on Wednesday.
Brussels airport shut down after the terrorist attacks in the city this morning and will remain closed on Wednesday, according to a statement on the airport's site.
Uniqlo, one of the world's biggest "fast-fashion" chains, on Wednesday made a statement denying any involvement in the video.
"BlackBerry has not engaged in discussions with Samsung with respect to any possible offer to purchase BlackBerry," the company said in a statement issued Wednesday afternoon.
"It has always been Sony's intention to have a national platform on which to release this film," said Sony Pictures chair and CEO Michael Lynton in a statement Wednesday.
In a statement released late on Wednesday, the producers said he remained in serious condition.
In a statement Wednesday, Microsoft reiterated its bid is fair and pointed out the antitrust problems likely to prevent Google and Yahoo from working together.
In a statement released Wednesday, the council said "attacks targeting peacekeepers may constitute a war crime" and "stressed that those responsible for the attack shall be held accountable. "
In a statement released Wednesday, the council said "attacks targeting peacekeepers may constitute a war crime" and "stressed that those responsible for the attack shall be held accountable. "