In another aspect, the invention is a method for managing broadband networks.
In another aspect of the present invention, ethylene copolymers are employed to produce PE-100 pipe.
在本发明的另一方面中,用乙烯共聚物制造PE- 100管。
In another aspect of the invention, at least one of the two pump Chambers has an expandable configuration.
In another aspect, the decoder configuration record is created with fields corresponding to the parameter set.
In another aspect the invention encompasses a method of preparing an agent for administration to an individual.
Generally stated, in another aspect, this invention provides an improved process for producing a fuel gas from coal.
In another aspect, the invention provides a method and apparatus for separating carbon dioxide (CO2) bound in a solvent.
In another aspect, the method comprises adding to a food material an enzyme capable of reducing the level of reducing sugar.
The invention relates in one aspect, to a roll, and, in another aspect, to a roll spring which is the core of the invention.
In another aspect, a rubber content weight percentage that varies from 20 to 30% provides a relatively high compressibility.
另一方面,重量百分比为20 - 30%的橡胶含量提供较高的压缩性。
In another aspect, the articles (20) can be connected to provide a sequencing of the articles in an operative zig-zag arrangement.
In another aspect, a method is provided that includes forming brass from zinc powder and copper powder in the presence of a sodium electrolyte.
In another aspect, the invention provides for a pharmaceutical composition comprising the mentioned polypeptide and medical USES of the polypeptide.
In another aspect, there is disclosed a film that includes chitosan, and about 10 to about 200 weight percent lysozyme, based on the weight of the chitosan.
But with it went an apparent decline in another aspect of mobility: more people seem to be marrying within their education and income bracket, especially at the top.
In another aspect, the shaping of the cell-phones is utilized by the trade company too, as the shaping explaining the external selling point of cell - phone technology.
In another aspect, for a first interlaced scanning video frame in a video sequence, a decoder decodes a bitplane signaled at frame layer for the first interlaced video frame.
In another aspect, the invention provides methods and compositions for affecting the function of the AGG motif, and methods for identifying other INS sequences in viral genomes.
In another aspect , the invention features, in general, a shaving razor including a subassembly as already described, and a housing having a recess in which the subassembly is secured.
In another aspect, the invention provides methods for administering the covalent conjugates of the invention to treat cancer and infections by pathogens that bind iron-carrying proteins.
In another aspect of the invention, a monitor loudspeaker includes first, second, and third acoustic drivers, arranged along a straight line so that the axes of the loudspeakers are non-parallel.
Another aspect of social comparison in the counseling context relates to a technique known as normalizing.
Another aspect of this problem is controlling asthma among children in these groups.
When you think of work as part of a full life and a complete experience, it becomes easier to see that success in one aspect often supports another.
Another aspect of this problem is control of asthma among children in these populations.
In the next article in this series, I will explain another commonly misunderstood aspect of SOAP which is responsible for many interoperability issues, namely, data encoding.
AOP lets you attach these aspects to POJOs, then specify a point in time (like the beginning of a method or exception generation) and another aspect to attach.
We have 28 offices worldwide and people working on the social media aspect of communications in most of these offices, most often in addition to another role.
In addition to the divided vote, another unconventional aspect of the SEC suit was surprise.
So the first thing is the continuum model, now I focus on another, in my view, important aspect.