Contrast that approach with what goes on in most organizations.
Often children can’t be bothered to struggle with a reader because the reward in the end is not worth the effort—slow tedium, that’s what basal readers provide. What a negative contrast to television!
This is a sharp contrast with almost all previous surveys, which showed the ideal of the two-child family persisted regardless of what was actually happening in the country.
One of its selling points was that in contrast with many other projects, it had a fairly clear idea about what was needed.
In contrast, most Banks have less experience with mobile services and their attendant risks, and so the risks are amplified by what the Banks simply haven't learned yet.
Now let's contrast that with what happens in the second movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony where we have a lyrical, long, flowing theme. Okay?
Earlier this year the WHO started a campaign against tobacco known as MPower. One of its selling points was that in contrast with many other projects, it had a fairly clear idea about what was needed.
In contrast, experts tend to think forward, understanding what they have to work with and what it's capable of doing and figuring out a solution looking forward at the problem.
What is more enviable, the Finnish students' interest in studying is among the highest in developed countries, which is in sharp contrast with East Asian countries.
What is the specialized focus of your university in contrast with other universities?
"Downstream flows", in contrast, are what Asia and oil exporters do with their accumulated reserves.
"Downstream flows", in contrast, are what Asia and oil exporters do with their accumulated reserves.