So, stop hunting, let these endangered soul fly in for a little while.
For some people, a mosquito in the room is a threat to any little patch of exposed skin, while others seem to go unscathed.
A gamification strategy that is not sufficiently thought through or well tailored to its players may engage people for a little while, but it will not motivate people in the long term.
In a little while, my longing shall gather dust and foam for another body.
Show and prove to yourself that you are strong and in control, and practice the above exercises for a little while, before passing any judgement on them.
But it is unprecedented in human history for a nation to deal with this challenge, while coping with a huge population and relatively little land and resources.
In these new communities sponsored by brands, it's possible for them to get attention from other members while reflecting a little glory onto the brands that sponsor them.
When it was my turn, I sat with them at the little banquet table we had created in the waiting room. We talked for a while about dreams.
In Chicago, a happy Sucre is playing with his little girl and tells her he'll be back in two days, while C-Note, working for UPS, luxuriates in his freedom and normal life.
While everyone seems to agree that the best strategy for dealing with the threat of a human pandemic is to control flu in birds, little clarity emerged in Geneva on how money would be allocated.
Seeking needs to be turned off, if even for a little while, so that the system does not run in an endless loop.
While that little port isn't a big problem for most visual jobs, it's a hassle for parallel computing that works the CPU, GPU, and memory all in close association.
While in White's classic tale, Mrs. Little mysteriously gives birth to a mouse, in this version, the Littles of Fifth Avenue plan to adopt a little brother for their precocious son George.
But while Bolivians have lived off it for centuries, quinoa remained little more than a curiosity outside the Andes for years, found in health food shops and studied by researchers — until recently.
Whenever you find yourself getting discouraged go somewhere quiet for a little while and use that time to visualize success in your endeavors.
When a man fell in love with her, she -reciprocated for a little while, then she began to torment him.
Come in, and stay with me for a little while, and there shall no harm happen to you.
But at least we can look of the slope of the curve and say, ok, at least in the dilute solution case for a little while it's going to be linear.
Seeing us puzzled, he gave a further explanation after a little while. He told us that he used to suffer from venous thrombosis and had been in hospital for about two months.
But after you play with it for a little while, you are likely to find that multiple dispatch generalizes and enhances the benefits that OOP has over procedural programming in the first place.
Then we lay in bed for a while where she closed her eyes and took a little nap.
They play down the result's wider significance for a country they view as a declining power while predicting that little will change in practice.
when you feel tired, you can lie down and sleep for a little while, and we will come and fetch you in the evening,when your father has finished his work.
When you feel tired, you can lie down and sleep for a little while, and we will come and fetch you in the evening, when your father has finished his work.
For a little while it seemed as if I must fly to pieces with the inward turmoil, when suddenly the still small voice whispered in the depths of my soul, "Be still, and know that I am God."
While supermatte ’90s-inspired skin is in for fall, during summer a little shine is actually chic. (So don’t blot away with oil-absorbing sheets the second you feel moisture poking through!)
While supermatte ’90s-inspired skin is in for fall, during summer a little shine is actually chic. (So don’t blot away with oil-absorbing sheets the second you feel moisture poking through!)