Recommends that if we not able to find a new facility by the end of this month, the organization should stay where in the current location over the winter.
The feature itself allowed developers to be able to quickly get your current location information simply based off the cell towers in which you were attached too.
The load balancer uses a just in time methodology by selecting the location of the primary and secondary replicas of a new database based on current load on nodes within a cluster.
Use instead of tabs when it would be prohibitively expensive to track and display the current location of the user as a state in the navigation control.
A tree zipper is typically composed of a path from the root to the current location in the tree, plus the subtree context at the focal node.
树z ippers通常包含从根到树中当前位置的一条路径,另外还有关注节点的子树上下文。
The current set of five are rack mounted in a co-location data centre, where I pay a monthly fee for space, electricity and bandwidth.
The large white circular shapes in this image are pieces of multiyear ice carried to this location by the East Greenland Current.
In our final section, we will look at how the current measures of location; that is, the mean and standard deviation and discuss how susceptible they are to dispersion.
The overall design scheme is researched. The hardware of current detection module, motor speed and location detection module and PWM output and fault input module is introduced in detail.
LiveRun will will pick up all the code in the current text window, compile it to a temporary location, then run it.
The new project will be created at the location specified in the Location text box; by default the location will be set to the current workspace.
As shown in Listing 10, I can use the curl command to access the current local conditions of the National Weather Service for my location (Buffalo, NY).
So now, when you're looking for the nearest pizza place and you don't feel like waiting for delivery, you're just one click away from getting directions from your current location in Google Maps.
For this current method, pick the fourth option, which is Create Linked Utility Jars in an existing EAR from an external location, as shown in Figure 6.
对于当前这个方法,可以选择第四个选项,即CreateLinkedUtility Jars inan existingEARfromanexternallocation,如图6所示。
In the first case, stderr is redirected to the current location of stdout and then stdout is redirected to output.txt.
在第一种情况中,stderr被重定向到stdout的当前位置,然后在将stdout重定向到out put . txt,但第二次重定向仅影响stdout,不影响stderr。
In terms of its geographical location, Sweden has a pleasant climate, its main cause is a cold ocean current from the west coast of Norway, it is called the Gulf Stream.
The location result is not influenced by fault resistance and inception Angle when wavelet transform coefficient of aerial mode current is used in fault location.
In the mobile site, the selected state as the example above, the same can also inform the user's current location information.
In order to dial correctly your computer might require additional information such as a calling-card number or the area code of your current location.
Upgrade databases in their current location. Requires additional space for temporary files used during the conversion.
The protection for earth fault line selection and fault point location by S injecting current in neutral isolated power system is presented.
An asset manager approves asset requests and manages the properties of the assets in the system, such as location, condition, manufacturer, model, current owner, and estimated value.
A prediction error signal and a motion vector for a current block are transmitted, describing the location of the predictor block in the reference picture.
The paper proposes a method which corrects the Angle of zero-sequence current in the algorithm of differential equation used for distance protection and fault location of HV transmission lines.
The current in the post-flame zone appears at the temperature about 2000K for different electrodes location.
Pinning temporarily locks the data in its current memory location, thus keeping it from being relocated by the common language runtime's garbage collector.
As the main flow manner of formation water in deep reservoir, circulated convection current controlled authigenic mineral location and secondary pore distribution.
As the main flow manner of formation water in deep reservoir, circulated convection current controlled authigenic mineral location and secondary pore distribution.