I have been for over five years in the employment of an exporting company.
This thesis achieves the application study of BC1.0 algorithm in the employment of college students on this basis.
Different style has different characteristics, which differs in the employment of grammar, rhetorics, and vocabulary, etc.
The Great Depression saw the steady increase in the employment of American women, and a significant increase in married women's employment.
Was it in the employment of a new method of research, or in the exercise of greater virtue in the old methods, that this singular modern phenomenon had its origin?
Limits the number of its members to 50, excluding employees in the employment of the company or its subsidiary and some former employees of the company or its subsidiary.
Flexibility in the employment of forces revolves around the effort to take the offensive, and planning likewise is necessary chiefly in order to ensure success in offensive operations.
Miller's involvement in the employment of CAS was largely responsible for the accuracy of four 30mm strafe runs and the emplacement of three precision-guided GBU38 munitions on the objective.
Under this influence, Italo Calvino has made creative use of the elements of the fairy-tale in the employment of the subject matter, the plot, and the events in his novel "Our Ancestors".
She was in continuous employment until the age of sixty-five.
The law prevented the employment of children under ten in the cotton mills.
The state of employment in this city is improving.
Such visions are based on the downsides of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment.
In turn, international tourism became the concern of a number of world governments since it not only provided new employment opportunities but also produced a means of earning foreign exchange.
Calvin and Martin have observed how rising employment costs led to the adoption of labour-saving farm technology in the past, citing the raisin industry as an example.
In many of these cities such as Denver, a diverse and vigorous economy attracted to the urban core has offered stable employment for residents.
In its latest update on global employment trends, the agency says projections of the number of unemployed people this year range from 210 million to nearly 240 million people.
We are one of the largest providers of employment in the area.
The solution to queues in the fields of healthcare, education, transportation, and employment is very complicated.
The strategy recognises that people experiencing disability face significant barriers in achieving a full quality of life in areas such as attitude, education, employment and access to services.
The fact is job openings have plunged in every major sector, while the number of workers forced into part-time employment in almost all industries has soared.
The result will be still further raising of the legal age for going into employment, and still further difficulty in finding employment when that age has been attained.
The availability of jobs in railway construction attracted many rural laborers accustomed to seasonal and temporary employment.
More than 750,000 have graduated from the college, with many seeking employment in engineering, aviation, education, medicine and a wide variety of other professions.
Kids with a preference for the arts have a greater chance of finding employment in the future.
In fact, the prevalence of such large employment changes is the norm in both booms and busts.
In fact, the prevalence of such large employment changes is the norm in both booms and busts.