The first Bada phone is expected to hit the stores in the end of this month.
I'm hoping to take a holiday in Europe at the end of this month.
This new study looks in more detail at the effect of a half-hour delay on school start time by asking students to fill in questionnaires at the start and end of the three-month study.
According to the Copenhagen Accord, parties concerned should submit commitment to combating climate change at the end of this month. When will China hand in such commitment?
Industry insiders say the list of cities included in the new policy could come out as early as end of this month.
Both will go on sale in the US, which has emerged as the largest market for e-book readers, at the end of this month.
Unless a buyer for the Honda team is found by the end of this month, its racing operations in northern England will cease with the loss of over 700 jobs.
As we stated in the last fax, this offer remains in force until the end of the month.
Vidic is not due back at United until the end of this month having taken part in the World Cup.
The Free Independent Traveler, or, FIT program, is going to be set in motion at the end of this month.
Begin today by registering for Staffing World, the American Staffing Association's annual convention taking place at the end of this month (October 22 through October 25) in San Diego.
可以先在StaffingWorld上注册,这个月底10月22 - 25日美国短工协会的年会即将在圣地亚哥召开。
More than 100 aerial landscapes and scenes are to feature in a dramatic Britain from the Air street exhibition opening at the end of this month.
Mr. Obama's trip to the G-20 summit meeting this month in many ways marked the end of the opening phase of his economic rescue strategy.
debuted in the U.S. eight months ago, launched in the U.K. this month, and should get going in Germany before the end of the year.
India aims to add 10,000 megawatts of power generation capacity to its grid in the current fiscal year which runs until the end of this month.
Users of Sina's weibo platform rose by 208.9% to 195 million by the end of the second half of 2011, the China Internet Network Information Center said in a report earlier this month.
中国互联网信息中心(China Internet net work Information Center)在本月初的一份报告显示,2011年上半年,新浪微博的用户数增长了208.9%,达到了1.95亿。
Before the end of this month we'll roll out Leaderboards, and by late February we'll release Combat Records and the in-game editor that allows for custom emblem creation.
This photograph was taken at the end of Obama's first month in office.
A proposal form is enclosed as requested, and please fill out and then return it by the end of this month, otherwise that may make it difficult to issue the policy in time.
The full southern results are due to be released at the end of this month, and the final results early in February.
By the end of this month, around 70 wealthy Chinese assembled by Lin will head out to Fiji, Tuvalu and Tahiti to purchase islands in a group tour.
It is explicitly stipulated in the contract that shipment must be effected by the end of this month.
We have received an inquiry from a client for Men's Shirts and request you to cable us your offer not later than the end of this month in order to secure the business.
Only in this way can you hope to finish the work at the end of this month.
What this means is mortgage cycling works well for those who have at least a few hundred dollars in extra cash at the end of each month.
What this means is mortgage cycling works well for those who have at least a few hundred dollars in extra cash at the end of each month.