His report of the event was accurate in every detail.
Wass your mom one of those people who has every family event for the last 30 years documented in extensive photographic detail?
As you are writing your letter, relive one in detail and share your impressions of the event with your beloved.
Then this paper researches the structure of Naming service and Event service of CORBA specification and introduces the two service's content and structure in detail.
The first one is the method of risk contribution tree, by which the risk of the basic event can be quantified and the components of the risk can be depicted in detail.
Provide a detailed yet concise account of an event related to this topic. Provide the listeners with enough detail so they can imagine themselves in the event described.
Then introduces the methods of performance analyses, describes the event study and accounting study in detail.
VerbosityGets or sets the level of detail to show in the event log.
In order to increase the coverage rate of NEBs to the event region, the external event point (EP) was introduced and the calculation method of the EP was also discussed in detail.
In order to increase the coverage rate of NEBs to the event region, the external event point (EP) was introduced and the calculation method of the EP was also discussed in detail.