Today, 98 percent of its forests are gone — one of the worst cases of deforestation in human history.
As a niche in the field of marketing as we know it today, however, its history is more recent.
But today, we stand at a crossroads of history with the chance to move decisively in the direction of peace.
There are probably more people painting today than ever before in the history of mankind.
The Civil War was, and remains today, one of the most controversial episodes in the history of this country. Historians continue to argue about its causes and significance.
In the course of our history, we have come through many trials and tribulations, growing from a small fishing village 200 years ago to the Singapore of today.
Today, the city of Murmansk hasn't forgotten its part in that history.
The announcement was made today at a press conference atthe American Museum of Natural History in New York.
Z: Today I'll introduce something about the history of banking in the west.
But as Stuart Carroll, a professor of history at York University, points out in his entertaining look at France’s Guise family, “the word toleration lacked the positive connotations it has today.”
但是正如约克大学的历史学教授斯图尔特卡罗尔,以他娱乐性的眼光来看法国的吉斯家族, 而指出的: “那时,包容一词缺少了今天其中的正面含义”.
The astrological prediction for Libra in the "Your Stars Today" column of the Tadfield Advertiser, on the day this history begins, read as follows.
This is why our word today, “horoscope” shows up pretty early in the history of English.
Today, we present the first in our series of history programs. We tell about the first peoples to arrive in what would become North America.
In the second period of iron - making history, more iron was made however, the amount was still very small as compared with today.
If we always freeze in the scenery behind, also became the history of the blank in the future, also will become gloomy today, tomorrow will stop the pace of life, while the future steps as usual.
Despite the limited information on the man, Shakespeare remains today one of the most famous playwrights in history.
Today, I am pleased to join, to participate in this will be the history of I stand to fight for money and the greatest at writing activities.
People walk every footprint, is his life leave a message; For a calendar, today turned to the history of the permanent in the future.
Today we visit the Nile River valley to explore one of the greatest civilizations in human history.
Today, across the United States, millions of Americans of Irish ancestry celebrate their cultural identity and history by enjoying St. Patrick's day parades and engaging in general revelry.
Although the technology today, we are still on the books are handed down to civilization, the book is a history of settling down in the crystal.
As the restaurant chain struggles, there has never been a time in the history of the company where following the advice of its legendary founder has been more critical than it is today.
Today, we present the first in our series of history programs.
Prior to this, this part analyze and introduce the history and evolution of the damage calculation of objectivist in our country, so that the reader clearly how our laws come to the situation today.
Prior to this, this part analyze and introduce the history and evolution of the damage calculation of objectivist in our country, so that the reader clearly how our laws come to the situation today.