Is this a trend in the medical profession?
Have you ever think about a career in the medical profession?
Have you ever thought about a career in the medical profession?
Kanzius began to circulate his idea among friends in the medical profession.
Excellent examples of Communities of Practice are found in the medical profession.
Professionalism is the most important factor effecting public trust in the medical profession.
Does anyone in the medical profession get to veto those procedures deemed too marginal or not cost-effective.
The diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cancers are still a difficult subject in the medical profession at present.
The broadly held prejudice, in the medical profession and much of the rest of society, is that becoming a parent is the right and inevitable choice.
Within the medical profession, some have raised concerns about the unknown effects of the additives in the vaccines, in particular a substance called squalene.
For example, in the medical profession or in insurance claims processing, a second opinion, a second batter of tests, or a second estimate of damage is usually sufficient to validate a claim.
Many physicians, for instance, now at least consider apologizing to a patient for a medical mistake; and within the medical profession generally, there is discussion about when an apology is in order.
However, behavioural addiction is a health issue that needs to be taken seriously by all those in the health and medical profession.
The Victorians had decided it was hygienic and tidy, and the large number of Jewish men in the American medical profession are thought to have spread the word there.
Despite the ringing of alarm bells over the years about its links to heart disease, both in other countries and within the French medical profession, the drug was not withdrawn in France until 2009.
Smith said there was not much interest in the procedures among the medical profession but the demand and interest from patients was huge.
But those who challenge the medical profession still face problems. Agnes Gereb, a pioneer of home births, is facing up to eight years in jail.
The greatest good the medical profession has done mankind is in discovering the value of these gifts of God and showing us how to use them.
Doctors and nurses involved in euthanasia have discredited their profession, for euthanasia is a violation of the fundamental medical principle to save human life.
However, the public misunderstanding of the medical profession will surely hurt both doctors and patients in the end.
But the entire medical profession has an interest in improving matches, and so can set up a national clearing house to do just that.
Before translate, the thesis is an article concerning the living creature profession and the medical science profession, so I check in great quantities concerning.
The lack of consideration of osteoporosis and treatment initiatives by the medical profession and the public, particularly in relation to men, should be the focus of education initiatives.
The inversion of the evidential burden in medical infringement lawsuits has aroused considerable attention in society and the medical profession.
METHODS: the excellence and the shortcoming of comparative advertisement were analyzed in case study, and the strategy of comparative advertisement use in medical profession was put forward.
Objective To Spur the application of Computer assisted instruction method in medical imaging profession.
However, the public misunderstanding of the medical profession will surely hurt both doctors and patients in the end.
However, the public misunderstanding of the medical profession will surely hurt both doctors and patients in the end.