As in the physical world, so in the economic one.
But Mr. Dragulescu's creations do not exist in the physical world.
Namespaces in code work just like contexts in the physical world.
The Empyrean is a story that has no action in the physical world.
Whether in the physical world or in our minds, this principle stands.
In the physical world, they make sure it is stocked in bookshops, he adds.
Then I thought, "Why not make a Google Map, but in the physical world?"
我又想,“何不做一个实体世界的Google地图? ”?
In the physical world, this extra knowledge is often held in the role of an architect.
In the physical world, the actual location of a thing is the means to finding it.
Changes that take place in the physical world are in variably the result of forces.
In the physical world, an artist may choose to draw on paper, cloth, or even a wall.
Perhaps it can't manifest in the physical world just yet, but the dream world isn't so limited.
In the physical world there exist a number of conservation laws, some exact and some approximate.
Whatever the number two is, it's something that our mind can grasp but isn't actually in the physical world.
This newspaper has always championed free trade, open markets and vigorous competition in the physical world.
At the surface, on the level of what can be seen and felt in the physical world, my coming created much commotion.
In the physical world, for example, burglars can break through a locked door, but they leave evidence in doing so.
A physical system — a building, a bridge, a car, an aircraft, a ship, or a computer — exists in the physical world.
BCI devices are used to control things in the physical world, such as a cursor on a screen, a wheelchair or even a prosthetic limb.
Software is also eating much of the value chain of industries that are widely viewed as primarily existing in the physical world.
Smart sensors are resource restricted devices which can be deeply embedded in the physical world or spread throughout our environment.
You’re reading a computer or mobile device screen, so your mind is in the world of the Internet … but your body is in the physical world.
You're reading a computer or mobile device screen, so your mind is in the world of the Internet … but your body is in the physical world.
The main problem, if that's the word, is that we live in the physical world and, until recently, most of our entertainment media did, too.
The minority of users that fear to leave their screens often don't know how to construct or connect to opportunities in the physical world.
Lighting has been shown to have effects on mood in the physical world (both sunlight and artificial light; see lots of info on the subject).
As IoT connect Internet, virtual and real world together, the original virtual attack on Internet will cause real damage in the physical world.
In reality, the limits exist but are simply less obvious and more related to limitations in human abilities than limitations in the physical world.
They carry on in the physical world, in the material and cultural vestiges we leave, as well as in the psychological and social effects we have on those around us.
They carry on in the physical world, in the material and cultural vestiges we leave, as well as in the psychological and social effects we have on those around us.