After Peter was asked some more questions in the same way, he finally understood and smiled.
The more often we do anything in the same way or at the same time, the more we shall do it that way.
Do economics and finance work in the same way as weather conditions or the movement of planets?
Our spirit has access to this world through the mind in the same way that we plug into the phone socket to get internet access.
As that great commentator on human affairs, Dr. Samuel Johnson, once remarked, "Men have been wise in very different modes; but they have always laughed in the same way."
When the researchers repeated the laboratory experiment on the second and third nights they found the left hemisphere could not be stimulated in the same way during deep sleep.
If your goal is to have standardized approaches to learning, where everybody learns the same thing at the same time in the same way, then learning by doing doesn't really fit that mold anymore.
The ritual of the party conference is acted out in the same way every year.
School meals need to be marketed to children in the same way as other food.
There is no reason why an aircraft designer should also be a good pilot. In the same way, a good pilot can be a bad driver.
Thanks to it, people can spell in the same way.
In fact, moonlight can also create rainbows in the same way.
Habits and field paths are formed in the same way: by repetition.
A girl's personality often does not develop in the same way as a boy's.
He went to work by train every morning and came home in the same way.
She is a very fair-minded person who treats everyone at the school in the same way.
AI works in the same way as people.
Tom whistled twice more; these signals were answered in the same way.
In the same way, we use patterns and ratios to detect both new and familiar flavors.
The case can be detached from the scooter and wheeled around in the same way as an ordinary suitcase.
For example, all headers need to look the same, all bullet points need to be presented in the same way.
In the same way, a significant reduction of wasteful agricultural subsidies could also lower the deficit.
Fine-art objects are not constrained by the laws of physics in the same way that applied-art objects are.
Although the same law holds for a living organism, the result of this law is not inexorable in the same way.
Many things such as learning and problem solving can be done by computers, though not in the same way as people do.
A fireworks display staged by Servandoni would be structured in the same way as an opera, and was even divided into separate acts.
Their sons or daughters would never say such a thing: it's as if they already know that their degree won't define them in the same way.
A barber today does not cut a boy's hair in the same way as he used to, and girls do not make up in the same way as their mothers and grandmothers did.
In the same way physicians used to smoke, and then stopped smoking and were able to talk to patients about it, I think physicians can have a bigger voice in it.
Most antennas are made in the shape of a dish to collect and reflect the radio waves to the sub reflector, in the same way as a curved mirror focuses visible light to one point.