In the sentence, 'I saw him today', the word 'him' is in the accusative.
The reason, in fact, may be just the opposite: there is too much damn happiness in the word "today".
Today I want share some simple but useful expressions about the word cool in our English.
But as Stuart Carroll, a professor of history at York University, points out in his entertaining look at France’s Guise family, “the word toleration lacked the positive connotations it has today.”
但是正如约克大学的历史学教授斯图尔特卡罗尔,以他娱乐性的眼光来看法国的吉斯家族, 而指出的: “那时,包容一词缺少了今天其中的正面含义”.
This is why our word today, “horoscope” shows up pretty early in the history of English.
The podictionary word for today is gnome: In 2004 a travel ad campaign was launched using a garden gnome who appeared on skis, in a hot tub.
Since most of the world today still suffers from this disease of "word confusion," it is hardly surprising that the French people in the 1790s were also misled by the same device.
Even today, we still use the word in this way when we say, "I love you with all my heart.
Being young has universal appeal and today people are searching for the qualities that youth comprises good health, mental alertness, physical attractiveness, and vigor - in a word, fitness.
For a long time, our ancestors had used fire to roast meat but, in the sense that we would use the word today, they were now 'cooking'.
漫漫岁月中,曾几何时,我们祖先们已经学会了取火烧肉。 也许某种意义上,按我们现代人的说法,他们现在会进行“烹饪”了。
According to the Marist Poll, "whatever" remains the most annoying word or phrase in conversation today.
The word "unclutterer" didn't exist in 2005, but today it is a regular part of my vocabulary.
Even today we still use the word in this way when we say, "I love you with all my heart."
klockwork logoSecurity is perhaps the hottest and most confusing catch-all word in information technology today.
klockwork logo安全性,也许已经成为当前信息技术领域内最热门和最混乱的一个名词。
Today the word “Walkman” is in almost every major dictionary.
When the word “show” first showed up in Beowulf well over 1000 years ago, it didn’t mean what we think of today, but instead referred to the other end of the field of view, it meant “to see.”
Yes, why not? Thingy 'is our word today in The English We Speak. Let's hear some examples of how it's used.
In a word, hunger is a big problem in the world today.
Today the word transparency pops up in stories about everything from corporate governance to the activities of the U. S. Justice Department.
到今天,所有事物当中,从公司治理到美国司法部的行动, “透明度”这个词通通冒了出来。
Anyway, i have to come to type in some word today I think. Or this blog will turn out to be a obvious evidence of my bad habit of quitting on the half way.
The idea for today is another step in learning to let go the thoughts that you have written on the world, and see the Word of God in their place.
Today, I was fortunate to know the big ears in the English learning website, this, I learned many grammar and word, I think they are interesting.
The word, Multiculture, describes the diversity of cultures and races in Australia today.
Today the word suggests a rustic dwelling or inn in a natural setting, often one used seasonally (e. g. , a ski lodge).
Today the word suggests a rustic dwelling or inn in a natural setting, often one used seasonally (e. g. , a ski lodge).