In some states, there is no required waiting period.
In most states a waiting period is required before the license is issued.
Since it cannot be retrieved in the specified waiting period, a pop-up window informs the user about the background processing.
Even when permission was obtained the couple had to go through a one month waiting period in which the they were supposed to think things over.
If the retrieval is not finished at the end of the waiting period, a pop-up window, as shown in Figure 9, informs the user that the retrieval is continued in the background.
In addition, it has to be noted that the three week waiting period after registration must be respected before manufacturing or importing can start again (see Sections 6.4 and 6.5).
We think one of the important reason is the long waiting period and great difficulty in operation before being listed on domestic stock market.
The anti-trust review period could last two years, and that waiting period would leave UTC in limbo, potentially damaging its core businesses.
The duration of the project, the period of utilization of the resources, and the queue length of activities waiting for service are also reported in this paper.
In accordance with the requirements and conditions, an optimized model of testing students' stamina which can minimize the period and save their waiting time is established.
In accordance with the requirements and conditions, an optimized model of testing students' stamina which can minimize the period and save their waiting time is established.