The incident took place about 500 yards from where he was standing.
A more costly incident took place on February tenth.
This is the place where the incident took place last year.
The incident took place in the afternoon on the Line 10 route.
The incident took place at one of Beijing's most well-known shopping areas.
Onreset incident took place in the form of "reset" button is click of times.
The incident took place on Saturday in Mooroopna town, north of Melbourne, in Victoria state.
On December 2,1943, a most regrettable and disturbing incident took place at the port of Ban.
一九四三年十二月二日, % 巴利港口发生一件非常骚动而伤心的事。
"Sorry ma'am but the incident took place in afternoon while he was getting off bus. " Man replied.
On the second question, your remarks don't square with the fact concerning how this incident took place.
She says she, along with her friends, had no place to hide, and stayed inside the store when the incident took place.
Other unconfirmed reports speak of higher casualty figures, but official state media deny the incident took place.
The incident took place at the Panacea restaurant after Rooney and fiancee Coleen McLoughlin were approached by Gray.
The incident took place less than a week after a botched attempt on Christmas Day to blow up a U. S. -bound airliner.
Other unconfirmed reports speak of higher casualty figures. But the official state media denies the incident took place.
But there have also been reports that the New York police now say the incident took place earlier than was originally reported.
He had just gone to bed after a late shift at his restaurant in Richmond, Virginia, on 9 October when the incident took place.
One incident took place in my childhood is still fresh in my mind because I know the bothering of interrupting someone's words from it.
Six masked men reportedly took the striker away "by force" while his girlfriend was left unharmed in the car park where the incident took place.
This incident took place in traditional Chinese fishing grounds, and the Chinese fishing vessel was carrying out normal operations in this area.
Thee incident took place at a training session for more than 200 employees at Changzhi Zhangze Rural Commercial Bank in northern China on Saturday.
该事件发生在周六,长治漳泽农村商业银行200多名员工的内部培训上。 羛。
The incident took place on the edge of Khost, capital of the province of the same name, provincial police chief General Abdul Hakim Eshaqzai told AFP.
The incident took place on the edge of Khost, capital of the province of the same name, provincial police chief General Abdul Hakim Eshaqzai told AFP.