It was the latest in a series of increases to rates, and the bank surprised some economists by announcing the rate increase on the last day of the Lunar New Year holiday.
Economists say the inflation rate will likely increase in the coming months, reducing the room for the central bank to cut interest rates to spur economic growth.
This makes it much less likely that the Fed would engage in further QE, and indeed both the Bank of England and the ECB are now considering an increase in their policy rate.
On November 3rd the Reserve Bank of Australia raised its cash rate to 3.5% from 3.25%, the second increase in as many months.
A report from the Shanghai branch of the central bank earlier this month showed that yuan-denominated deposits in local Banks rose in August following the interest rate increase.
For example, in March 2001, the Bank of Japan committed to maintaining its policy rate at zero until Japanese consumer prices stabilized or exhibited a year-on-year increase.
So we must find the effective ways to increase the adequacy rate of capital in order to guarantee the ability lifting of commercial bank and restrain the risk of bankrupt.
As more and more privately owned vehicles, the World Bank estimates that the global road traffic mortality rate in 2020 will increase by 66 percent.
Consumer prices rose to the fastest pace in two years in October, building the case for the central bank to add to last month's interest-rate increase.
It was the latest in a series of increases to rates and the bank surprised some economists by announcing the rate increase on the last day of the Lunar New Year holiday.
It was the latest in a series of increases to rates and the bank surprised some economists by announcing the rate increase on the last day of the Lunar New Year holiday.