The EU is a "racket", thundered Mr Farage, who sits in the European Parliament for the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP).
That, at least, is the story recounted by politicians from the UK Independence Party (UKIP) and, increasingly, by members of the Conservative Party.
The Independence Party, which Mr Oddsson long led, has brought forward its national convention to January to discuss these matters, but it is divided on the issue.
Particularly successful were the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), whose policy of withdrawal from the EU found and finds a ready echo among a distinctly Eurosceptic British public.
Lib Dems were appalled by Mr Boles's offer, however kindly meant: the party is so frightened of losing its independence under Mr Clegg that such a pact would "kill" him, says a senior member.
Should the NUP come to exercise the kind of independence from the current regime as some bright-eyed observers hope, it would become an important party indeed.
If your birthday girl wants to invite boys to her party, aim to strike a balance between careful supervision and letting your child feel like she has some independence.
Before the Cold War, the theory and practice of independence between the Congress Party and Zionism is different.
The scheme is based hierarchical key tree and multi-party key agreement. It possesses the desired properties, such as key independence and key statelessness.
The scheme is based hierarchical key tree and multi-party key agreement. It possesses the desired properties, such as key independence and key statelessness.