VISAM?Virtual Indexed Sequential Access Method?
It may be an ISAM (Indexed Sequential Access Method) file with no DBMS, either on the local or a remote computer.
Select the driver corresponding to the type of indexed sequential access method (ISAM) or database you want to connect to, and then click Finish .
选择与要连接的索引顺序访问方法 (ISAM)或数据库的类型相对应的驱动程序,然后单击“完成”。
It is interesting that no one pointed out the similarity between FriendFeed's solution and the "ancient" technology of ISAM - Indexed Sequential Access Method.
有意思的是,并没有人指出FriendFeed的解决方案与古老的ISAM技术(Indexed Sequential Access Method,索引顺序存取法)之间的相似性。
It is interesting that no one pointed out the similarity between FriendFeed's solution and the "ancient" technology of ISAM - Indexed Sequential Access Method.
有意思的是,并没有人指出FriendFeed的解决方案与古老的ISAM技术(Indexed Sequential Access Method,索引顺序存取法)之间的相似性。