A spokesman for the Indian School of Business declined to comment.
Sumantra Gohshal was the founding dean of the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad.
That's the conclusion of a series of three new studies by professors at Cornell University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Indian School of Business.
这是康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)、宾夕法尼亚大学(Universityof Pennsylvania)、和印度商学院(Indian School of Business)的教授们进行的三项最新研究的结果。
“Japan is losing out in the global market for top IT engineers, ” said Anthony D’Costa, a professor at Copenhagen Business School, who has studied the migration of Indian engineers.
“日本在IT行业精英市场上处于下风,”哥本哈根商学院教授Anthony D’Costa说,他曾经研究过印度工程师的迁移。
“Japan is losing out in the global market for top IT engineers, ” said Anthony D’Costa, a professor at Copenhagen Business School, who has studied the migration of Indian engineers.
“日本在IT行业精英市场上处于下风,”哥本哈根商学院教授Anthony D’Costa说,他曾经研究过印度工程师的迁移。