My boss told me I sounded like one of those infomercial circus monkeys.
It's late at night and you're watching TV when an infomercial comes on.
The trick isn't a machine on a infomercial, the trick is to lose body fat.
(Limit 10 per person.) I sound like an infomercial, but I thought that the price was pretty low.
But it can't, "said Deng, who saw the infomercial on a television station based in Jiangxi province."
Jobs's charm and charisma product introductions in the industry, a unique blend of theater and infomercial.
Increasing your brainpower has been the subject of many an AD and infomercial touting herbs and other products designed to make you smarter for a price.
On the other hand, a TV AD showing "Julie," who lost 142 pounds, didn't work as a 2-minute spot even though it did quite well as a 30-minute infomercial.
A miniseries is like an infomercial-by the time you decide whether you want to buy the product, you've logged too many hours in front of the television.
As anyone who has bought anything from an infomercial knows, the sales-job is always better than the product, "Bounds said in a statement e-mailed to reporters."
Read the fine print, though, and you'll find that some pay only per minute you're on the phone (like LiveOps, which takes calls for infomercial customers), while others guarantee an hourly rate.
Read the fine print, though, and you'll find that some pay only per minute you're on the phone (like LiveOps, which takes calls for infomercial customers), while others guarantee an hourly rate.