There is now a worrying fusion of information and entertainment.
There is now a worrying fusion of information and entertainment.
Television provides us with a wide range of information and entertainment.
Television provides us with a wide range of information and entertainment.
It also provides the key medium for news, data, information and entertainment.
For many people television has become a major source of information and entertainment.
Newspapers might have become part of their life, and bring them information and entertainment.
Media companies are merging to create ever larger information and entertainment conglomerates.
In the past ten years, it has provided us with information and entertainment of various kinds.
In most cases, it has replaced the radio and became the main way to get information and entertainment.
Besides keeping an eye on what is going on, this centre will provide support, information and entertainment to drivers.
Information and entertainment is replacing the smokestack industry as the new major methods of creating wealth in the economy.
The growing fusion between information and entertainment is a worrying contribution to the public's shrinking attention span.
You can see this change at work in the way we consume information and entertainment, how we shop, and increasingly how we communicate.
The line between information and entertainment has never been as sharp as some intellectuals imagine, and it is becoming increasingly blurred.
What happens when people become trained to think of information and entertainment as something they receive and not something they create?
It provides us with a fast and convenient way of communication, obtaining information and entertainment, which was previously unimaginable.
It remains to be seen how consumers will choose to access different types of information and entertainment in five, ten or twenty years' time.
Yet the internet offers so many specialised sources of information and entertainment that readers can pick exactly what they want from different websites.
With the home gateway, home networks can provide various services such as home communications, information and entertainment, home office and intelligent home services.
People trust the television as a source of information and entertainment for generations, in a way that they do not feel about the comparatively cold computer ", says the report."
The most rapid growth is in the area of information and entertainment systems, sales of which will increase by 10% a year over the next decade, according to Roland Berger, a consultancy.
When you have hundreds of emails a day, dozens of social contacts to manage and a deluge of information and entertainment to process, it's all too easy to lose sight of what's really important.
The modern communication industry influences the way people live in society and broadens their horizons by allowing access to information, education and entertainment.
The modern communication industry influences the way people live in society and broadens their horizons by allowing access to information, education and entertainment.