Conclusion The findings indicate that ginger oleoresin possesses gastro-protective potential which is unrelated to inhibition of gastric acid secretion and activity of pepsin.
Because of its unique pharmacological activities such as blood stasis, sedation and hypnosis, inhibition of gastric acid secretion, scholars have been interesting about the plant.
In addition to gallbladder contraction, cholecystokinin also regulates enzyme secretion and growth of pancreas, intestinal motility, satiety signalling and the inhibition of gastric acid secretion.
Evidence Synthesis: The extrapancreatic actions of GLP-1 include inhibition of gastric emptying and gastric acid secretion, thereby fulfilling the definition of GLP-1 as an enterogastrone.
Evidence Synthesis: The extrapancreatic actions of GLP-1 include inhibition of gastric emptying and gastric acid secretion, thereby fulfilling the definition of GLP-1 as an enterogastrone.