As a result, it was found that injection speed could be increased through varying nozzle port opening width under keeping constant injection pressure.
In this paper, the small signal port characteristics is established by the "perturbation signal feedback injection method", which lays a foundation of the system stability analysis.
Wavelength switching together with the switching of the dominating output port of the fiber laser is achieved by controlling the power of a tunable injection laser.
The injection mandrel is equipped with a port - and check-valve system to direct fluid pumped down the annulus or injection line into the production conduit.
Clean the injector port, replace critical injection port seals, replace injection port liners, and change septa as needed.
In the system, composite application in dosing mode for an anaesthesia machine can be realized through the connecting seat on the dosing port of the injection seat.
An amount of water can be injected through an injection port at the position of a handgrip so as to control the size of the saccule.
The electromagnetic pulse(EMP) damage mechanism and failure modes are obtained for the input port and output port of solid state relays by current injection method.
The deflection angle of injection mainly depends on the valve port angle and almost has no relation to the valve size, but the reduction coefficient vavies with both of them.
Apparatus - a gas chromatograph consists of a carrier gas source, an injection port, column, detector, and recording device.
When the intake temperature is increased, the fuel distribution becomes more homogenous, the effects of different port injection strategies on combustion process become small.
When the intake temperature is increased, the fuel distribution becomes more homogenous, the effects of different port injection strategies on combustion process become small.