The continuation in force of the insurance and guarantee under the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply only for the benefit of the person suffering damage.
In turn, that may force bank executives to take more risk in order to earn back what they are paying depositors; after all, the insurance scheme will pick up the TAB if things go wrong.
The "12 Week year" will ensure that you never forget about your goals, it will force you to be as productive as an insurance agency in December... not just once, but four times a year.
Its latest proposals in a grinding rewrite of insurance rules may force insurers to hold lots more capital than they do now.
Compradors were very active in the initial phase of modern Chinese national insurance industry, being the main force to initiate national insurance industry.
If the Chinese fond insurance company wants to remain invincible in international competition, the urgent affair is to advance its competitive force.
So, to force their participation in the deposit insurance means to ask them to pay for such intangible assets.
As the major force of China's financial market, the insurance industry in recent years has made substantial progress, playing an important role.
The insurance shall be in force during the time for Completion and for two years after the approval of the Total Works insofar as damage is concerned for which the Contractor is liable.
Unless specifically agreed to the contrary the provisions of this Clause shall only apply to the sums insured in force at the commencement of the period of insurance.
Automobile insurance has been in force from XY123 and was rated SIX STAR when we last had this customer on risk.
For many years ING has applied an annual test to assess whether insurance reserves are adequate to meet the estimated future payments on in-force policies using a prudent 90% confidence level.
为确保保险事业提存准备金即使在极不利的环境之下仍能充分支应所有有效保单未 来之责任,多年以来ING集团提拨之保险责任准备金乃是采用相当严谨之90%信用区 间并且每年评估。
For many years ING has applied an annual test to assess whether insurance reserves are adequate to meet the estimated future payments on in-force policies using a prudent 90% confidence level.
为确保保险事业提存准备金即使在极不利的环境之下仍能充分支应所有有效保单未 来之责任,多年以来ING集团提拨之保险责任准备金乃是采用相当严谨之90%信用区 间并且每年评估。