I intend to use these terms in a deliberately nonspecific and all-embracing way.
First, it depends on what you intend to use it for.
If you intend to use a service, keep adding new content!
You need to install the tools that you intend to use.
How we do so depends on how we intend to use the Hashtable.
Import any third party JDBC drivers that you intend to use.
We still intend to use letter of credit as the term of payment.
Italy intend to use the slings and arrows as motivational therapy.
Given the chance, I intend to use information intermediaries in my future.
Download the Ghosd source code on the machine you intend to use as the Synergy server.
Install this component if you intend to use these automated deployment capabilities.
If you intend to use the sample programs, modify these definitions to match your schema changes.
Why would you want to construct an object model if you intend to use one of the XML parsing APIs?
如果要使用一种XML解析 API,为何还要构造对象模型呢?
Sketch the details of the exterior wall construction you intend to use as we show in this article.
Work from left to right: first create the first primitive you intend to use and wire it up to the input node.
Alternatively, if you import all the packages you intend to use, then they could be exposed by any plug-in.
You must keep this window open as long as you intend to use and test applications in the Jaxer environment.
Both Terracotta and Oracle sell distributed caches and we intend to use this API to be useful to using them.
However, if you intend to use the WSDL to configure SOAP nodes, then select Create in a workspace directory.
不过,如果想要使用WSDL配置soap节点,则请选择Createina workspace directory。
It's been a tough summer, but also a learning one, and I intend to use the lessons to make myself a better player.
Looking forward, almost half (48%) said they did not intend to use social media during the planning phase of a trip.
Make sure that you do your calibration of sensors with the same power supply unit that you intend to use in the field.
The customary increase in processing power is required if you intend to use SoX on Win32, as this article demonstrates.
如果您打算在 Win32上使用SoX ,那么通常需要增加处理能力,如本文所演示。
The operative word in automated testing is automated, and it is useless to automate anything unless you intend to use it often.
Even if you don't intend to use Racket for your artistic endeavours, the picture library supports interesting and enlightening examples.
Please provide your name, organization, contact details, web site address and the purpose for which you intend to use the WHO RSS feeds.
You must make sure that the database on offer from the provider is compatible with the format you intend to use for importing your data.
For example, if the application doesn't intend to use On-Bar utilities, then that feature can be safely excluded from the source instance.
例如,如果应用程序不使用On - Bar工具,就可以从源实例中排除这个特性。
If you have any questions about conflicts between the license and how you intend to use the software, it's best to consult competent counsel.
If you have any questions about conflicts between the license and how you intend to use the software, it's best to consult competent counsel.