He assumes that the internal systems will behave appropriately, that the building inspector is performing his task.
The corrective action required by Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor (ANIS) and customer shall be considered and controlled in the same manner as internal corrective action.
The ACLU’s next target is a comprehensive and still largely secret internal CIA report written in 2004 by John Helgerson, then the agency’s inspector-general.
美国公民权联盟的下一个目标是一份全面的并且仍然是告诉机密的中情局内部报告,该报告于2004年由中情局的检察长John Helgerson起草。
In fact, at one time I was an internal inspector in our company before I got into management.
The ACLU's next target is a comprehensive and still largely secret internal CIA report written in 2004 by John Helgerson, then the agency's inspector-general.
美国公民权联盟的下一个目标是一份全面的并且仍然是告诉机密的中情局内部报告,该报告于2004年由中情局的检察长John Helgerson起草。
The ACLU's next target is a comprehensive and still largely secret internal CIA report written in 2004 by John Helgerson, then the agency's inspector-general.
美国公民权联盟的下一个目标是一份全面的并且仍然是告诉机密的中情局内部报告,该报告于2004年由中情局的检察长John Helgerson起草。