Where should international business community be located to take advantage of these opportunities?
Why is the cooperation with the international business community including East Asian countries so important for ASEAN?
I'm proud to have been involved in communicating Chengdu's and Western China's story to the international business community for the past 30 years.
They hate everyone and everything. Completely without value or Compassion, willing tools of the International Business Community, they exploit and ruin everything they touch.
China's poor protections and enforcement of intellectual property rights is an area of great concern for not just the international business community, but for Chinese innovators as well.
In this series we're using a fictitious organization, International business Council (IBC), which connects employees of the company with external business partners in a collaborative community.
在这个系列中,我们使用一个虚构的组织,International BusinessCouncil (IBC)。IBC让它的职员在一个协作型社区中与外部业务伙伴进行交流。
The design aims at creating a sense of place by the side of central lake in the new development area, so as to generate tourism and business with elegant and poetic international community.
The design aims at creating a sense of place by the side of central lake in the new development area, so as to generate tourism and business with elegant and poetic international community.