The theme of this year's World health Day — international health security — reminds us that threats to public health know no borders.
They were agreed by the World Health Assembly in 2005 and represent a major step forward in international public health security.
This is our responsibility and we expect that the entire international community is committed to the same goal of improving international public health security.
Today, the greatest threat to international public health security would be an influenza pandemic.
WHO needs the support of all stakeholders to ensure international public health security.
These three critical events, these clear threats to international security, have the potential to undo much hard-won progress in public health.
Laying down the rules for international public health security, the IHR (2005) confer on WHO new roles and responsibilities. WHO will strengthen its ability to fulfil these fresh obligations by.
They represent a major step forward in international public health security and it is believed they will help to make the world more secure from threats to global health issues.
Center for International Trade and Security. School of Public and International Affairs. University of Georgia.
It is important for police and skeleton public security offices to strengthen the sense of international human right law, particular to form "self-restriction in international human right law".
To ensure global public health security is a Shared responsibility of the international community.
Thus, addressing network security issues requires a public-private partnership as well as international cooperation and norms.
Thus, addressing network security issues requires a public-private partnership as well as international cooperation and norms.