It is usually described as an Internet retailer.
The internet retailer compensates me for problems that occur in time.
How could a tiny Internet retailer possibly supplant a national bookstore giant.
Consider the case of a major Internet retailer preparing for a major sales event.
the largest Internet retailer, tumbled 10 percent as profit trailed forecasts.
Internet Retailer calculates that web merchandise sales made up 26% of total revenue for the quarter, compared with 26.6% in the Q3 2009.
The Internet retailer (which offers free streaming to Amazon Prime members) just signed a deal with CBS to distribute the network’s older shows like Fraiser and Cheers.
You've got a full subscription video service with movies and TV shows and then by the way, we'll give you free two-day shipping on the world's biggest Internet retailer for free.
“Google is showing a level of aggressiveness with this that’s just not needed, ” said Alan Rimm-Kaufman, a former executive with the electronics retailer Crutchfield who is now an Internet consultant.
Chinese online retailer Jingdong Mall is considering a share sale in the US next year that could be among the biggest Internet IPOs.
And while they saw an excellent opportunity to sell to the consumer, at the same time, manufacturer and retailer relationships were in flux over the Internet.
Please note that no Longines distributor or official retailer offers for sale any Longines product on the Internet.
The excitement comes despite a series of plot leaks on the Internet, and a mistake by a U. S. online retailer meant as many as 1,200 copies were sent to buyers days ahead of publication.
Contrary to groundless Internet reports, Best Buy has not sold its Five Star business to any third party, including Chinese retailer Guomei.
Contrary to groundless Internet reports, Best Buy has not sold its Five Star business to any third party, including Chinese retailer Guomei.