Studying prediction method of intramuscular fat content.
Intramuscular fat content is an important meat quality trait in pig production.
Intramuscular fat affects pork quality by flavor, juiceness and muscle tenderness, and so on.
So intramuscular fat contributed significantly to pork flavor while the role of subcutaneous fat was very limited. 7.
Meat marbling is related to its flavour, juiciness and tenderness, and directly related to the intramuscular fat content.
Future research must further address the interaction of ractopamine with genetic line for percentage of intramuscular fat.
Tenderness is also positively correlated with many other meat quality traits, such as marbling score and intramuscular fat 0.32 DeVol et al.
There were great differences in fatty acids composition of intramuscular fat for Rongchang pigs and DLY pigs under different dietary nutrient levels.
Speckle noises are similar to intramuscular fat pixels in beef image, and they must be removed if intramuscular fat pixels need to be correctly separated from beef muscle pixels.
Therefore, the results show that the meat with the highest intramuscular fat content (marbling) had higher overall acceptability scores, as well as tenderness and juiciness scores.
Thus, meat from Duroc pigs, characterized by a high intramuscular fat content, is much appreciated for both fresh consumption and its use in the production of high quality cured hams.
The experiment was conducted to study the effects of dietary crude protein(CP) level, breed and muscle fiber type on intramuscular fat(IMF) content and its fatty acid composition in fattening pigs.
Thus, increasing intramuscular fat in meat can be a business strategy to obtain a more tasty meat, but we must bear in mind that some consumers prefer meat with no visual traces of intramuscular fat.
Thus, increasing intramuscular fat in meat can be a business strategy to obtain a more tasty meat, but we must bear in mind that some consumers prefer meat with no visual traces of intramuscular fat.