When introducing others say, for example, "John Jones, I'd like you to meet Peter Smith."
My ambassadorial duties will include introducing British visitors to the 120-plus pandas at Chengdu and others at a research in the misty mountains of Bifengxia.
The upcoming versions of PHP aim to add to this success by introducing new features that make PHP more usable in some cases and more secure in others.
Spain's example shows that introducing flexibility to some parts of the Labour market but not others can have undesirable social consequences.
Some people have been re-introducing native plants, others have been planting food and flowers.
Introducing % yourself is very important when you meet new people. You always want to make a good impression when telling others about yourself. Allow me to introduce myself.
You can do this by introducing colleagues to others you know who could be helpful to them, providing references for people, and also standing by associates when they're down.
This assessment is when the crucial, if not difficult, decisions of killing projects while accelerating others is made to maintain a healthy funnel on the road to introducing new products.
Introducing 5 yourself is very important when you meet new people. You always want to make a good impression when telling others about yourself. Allow me to introduce myself.
Practice introducing yourself and others.
The others studied the effect of the budget participation by introducing the moderating variables or the middle variables.
The others studied the effect of the budget participation by introducing the moderating variables or the middle variables.