Yak hairs were treated by the microwave electron cy cl otron resonance plasma reactive ion etching(ECR-RIE) equipment to improve its property of weave.
采用微波电子回旋共振等离子体反应离子刻蚀(E CR-R IE)装置对牦牛毛纤维进行表面改性,从而改善牦牛毛的可纺性。
Yak hairs were treated by the microwave electron cy cl otron resonance plasma reactive ion etching(ECR-RIE) equipment to improve its property of weave.
采用微波电子回旋共振等离子体反应离子刻蚀(E CR-R IE)装置对牦牛毛纤维进行表面改性,从而改善牦牛毛的可纺性。