Each time two goldfish meet is like the first time .
The poor child felt like a little bird that is placed in a glittering cage for the first time.
It may sound like an unusual piece of advice, but it is true the first impression someone has of you when meeting you for the first time will probably influence how that person treats you or reacts to you in the future.
I feel like I belong somewhere for the first time - ever. Why is this happening?
This is the first time that we feel like we are looking at a fair election, so we want to vote.
We thought that something like 'Angry Anna' might happen, but this is the first time, so we we're really pleased that people are using (the software) for these kind of messages.
Samantha and I have met many times before, but for her, every session is like meeting again for the first time.
In some ways, this is like the conceptual shift involved in using OOP, or functional programming, or multi-threading, for the first time.
This is a learnable skill like any other, and it probably will feel a bit awkward the first time.
The first time you bring up the page you see something like Figure 4 if everything is set up properly.
如果一切都设置正确,首次打开这个页面时将看到如图4 所示的图像。
The "first-time smartphone buyer" is a bit of a mythical creature, like a perfect gas in physics, or a unicorn or jackalope.
They work like this: The first time a site is visited, it installs a tracking file, which assigns the computer a unique ID number.
If, like me, you are someone who needs time before people appreciate your finer points, what can you do to make the right first impression? Don't despair: science is there with some Suggestions.
This is the first year I feel "away" from my military service - despite the fact that I was no longer serving this time last year, it still felt like a part of my daily existence.
But this book is brilliant and thought-provoking, and made me understand, for the first time, the power of graphs, charts, and the like.
Currently there is nothing like that level and, as second-time buyers need first-time buyers to sell to, the market can't recover until lending improves.
Titanic is like a great pyramid which has been found and mankind is about to enter it for the first time since it was sealed.
It is almost as if the computer is a small child, and you are telling the child how to do something like tie his shoes for the first time.
Note: if it is the first time you are connecting to this specific cloud instance, you will see code like that in Figure 8.
If this is the first time you've opened this editor, you will be presented with a question, "Would you like to create a security role?"
I've seen others go through diseases like brucella, but this is the first time that I've experienced something like this, "sa says on his now-empty farm in Paju, just two hours north of Seoul."
Bob, being there for the first time, looked on the exhibits with the horror and disgust that is present when one must face the reality that ordinary people can do things like this to one another.
"This is the first time that new media worked as a proven concept for how a mainstream media organization can cover an event like this online, " says Riyaad Minty, a new media analyst with Al Jazeera.
This process of change is very much like moving to ClearCase for the first time.
If this is the first time you've run wsadmin using Jython instead of the default Jacl you'll see a number of messages like this as the Jython JAR files are processed for the first time.
It is estimated that nearly 100,000 older people have logged on to sites like Facebook for the first time in the past year.
It is estimated that nearly 100, 000 older people have logged on to sites like Facebook for the first time in the past year.
It is estimated that nearly 100, 000 older people have logged on to sites like Facebook for the first time in the past year.