AIM to isolate and to identify canine parainfluenza virus (CPIV).
Objective to isolate and to identify streptococcus suis in order to provide scientific basis for diagnosis and treatment.
But the country would be better off if it could isolate and identify skilled workers who want to come here and build things and welcome them in.
But even if scientists were able to isolate and identify an Alzheimer 's-curing protein in sharks, they would need to grow it in a controlled environment.
Development attempts to isolate where the problem occurs and identify where to fix it.
You can use CLR Profiler.exe to identify and isolate problems related to garbage collection. These include the following memory consumption issues.
To isolate and identify the bacteria form the liver of aborted fetus of wapiti.
Objective To isolate and identify parainfluenza virus.
Objective: to isolate and identify dengue virus from Guangzhou in 2006 and to study their biological characteristics.
METHODS Chromatographic and spectroscopic methods were used to isolate and identify the related substance in isepamicin, and antibacterial activity of two related substances was studied.
Objective: To isolate, purify and identify swine platelet membrane glycoprotein.
In this walkthrough, you will step through the process of profiling a managed application by using command-line tools, and use sampling to isolate and identify performance problems in the application.
Objective: To isolate and identify the chemical constituents of the Albizzia Kalkora (Roxb) Prain.
The main purposes of this study were 1) to isolate and identify coccidia spp.
AIM: To isolate and culture human adipose tissue derived stem cells, and identify their phenotype.
A new method was introduced to isolate and identify rat hepatocytes in this paper.
Objective: To isolate and identify pronuciferine monomer.
In this walkthrough, you will step through the process of profiling a managed application and using sampling and instrumentation to isolate and identify performance problems in the application.
Objective To identify the surface marker of bone marrow-derived liver stem cells, isolate the stem cells, and investigate the differentiation and intrasplenical transplantation of the stem cells.
Objective the aim of this study was to isolate, culture and identify the nanobacteria from human calcified heart valve of rheumatic heart disease.
The mechanism also allows the operating system to identify the source of the attack and isolate it, so that the operating system will no longer be vulnerable to attacks from that application.
Objective to isolate and identify lectin-producing lactobacillus from sauerkraut juice.
Objective: to isolate and screen the active Marine microorganisms from East China Sea and to identify the phenotypes of the isolated active strains.
Objective To isolate and identify human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) local strains of Qingdao.
目的分离培养人疱疹病毒6型(HHV - 6)青岛地方株并进行初步鉴定。
Objective: To isolate and identify the periodontal ligament stem cells from human molars.
Objective To isolate and identify human dental pulp stem cells from third molars.
METHODS The column chromatography of silica gel and sephadex were used to isolate those constituents. IR, 1H-NMR and MS were used to identify the compounds.
方法用硅胶和凝胶柱色谱进行分离 ,根据理化性质、波谱特征鉴定结构。
The objective of the present study was to isolate Toxoplasma gondii strains from cats and then to identify these strains by specific PCR assay. The T.
In order to control the moldy effectively, the paper isolate and identify the type of mold, and analysis the reasons of moldy.
In order to control the moldy effectively, the paper isolate and identify the type of mold, and analysis the reasons of moldy.