Isotopic age has become an important means solving geological problems.
Obviously, it is very difficult to determine the initial age of subduction by using the isotopic age of only one geological event.
An approach has been made to the ore genesis from the ore composition, the typical mineral assemblage, the mineral geological thermometer, the K-Ar isotopic age, the sulfur iso - topic dat...
An approach has been made to the ore genesis from the ore composition, the typical mineral assemblage, the mineral geological thermometer, the K-Ar isotopic age, the sulfur iso - top...
An approach has been made to the ore genesis from the ore composition, the typical mineral assemblage, the mineral geological thermometer, the K-Ar isotopic age, the sulfur is...
An approach has been made to the ore genesis from the ore composition, the typical mineral assemblage, the mineral geological thermometer, the K-Ar isotopic age, the sulfur is...