The Sudanese information minister Ahmed Belal Osman blamed the attack on Israeli air force.
At least 155 Palestinians were reported killed in a massive attack by the Israeli Air Force on Saturday.
The Israeli air force has been dropping leaflets throughout Gaza, saying it plans to escalate its offensive.
Under him, the Israeli air force conducts bombing exercises over far-off targets and seems gratified when they are disclosed.
The other major factor was the Israeli Air Force mounting a sustained and deadly attack after catching the Syrian Air Force on the ground.
Israeli Air Force cadets trained to pay attention to specific aspects of a video game performed better in actual flight than others who just played the game, one study showed.
After a 10 years carrier as an f-16 navigator in the Israeli air force, he decided to change course in life - taking off the uniforms and dedicating it to his love to the cinema.
The platform was under the control of an Israeli Air Force ground controller, who is believed to have lost contact with the UAV after which it lost altitude and hit a high-tension cable.
The platform was under the control of an Israeli Air Force ground controller, who is believed to have lost contact with the UAV after which it lost altitude and hit a high-tension cable.