It can also be said that e-commerce has become one of China's economic trends.
For one thing, we can say that…, but when view from another angle it can also be said that…
Since boo is a monosyllable, it can also be said very quickly, which may add to its scariness.
However, it can also be said that managers are a long way from using the mathematics now available.
He Promulgated a number of New Deal legislation to protect women, improved their lives, to a certain extent, it can also be said to be "women" of the New Deal.
The phone, which can also be charged with a traditional plug-in cord, is initially available in Sweden; Samsung said it will quickly roll it out elsewhere in Europe and Asia.
Itself does not occupy the space, in this basis can also save some money, it can be said to be a more economical choice.
If we have grasped the grammar and known more words as possible as we can, it can be said that we have possessed the most elementary and also the most primary qualification to learn English well.
Although we can not have, but we will also be able to enjoy it, its a beautiful feeling, because it can not be said must have been, then destroy it damage it?
Representatives of the industry group also said it can be challenging to design, and enroll participants for, studies testing medicines for children's colds.
The predicate can be regarded as the main element, for it includes tense, modality, etc. It may also be said to govern the arguments for it determines the number and nature of the arguments.
It can be said that the status society is a high and low order rank society, the status is the privilege origin and the symbol, the status is different, the legal status is also totally different.
Sometimes it can be said in anger, but you can also say this to a friend in humorous way.
It can be said that this is a new challenge, is also a big harvest.
Electric boiler, in general terms, it is a principle of electric heating conversion, it is a medium of electromagnetic energy into heat, can also be said to be the way.
The purchasing power there is also very strong, Chen said, adding that if this type of exhibition proves to be successful and beneficial to both countries, it can be duplicated elsewhere.
It can be said that this exhibition is not only to show the situation of the arts, but also for the future.
Taking a taxi here is extremely expensive, so we can share the fares, " Chen said. "It will also be easier to rent a place near the office.
And what DE Broglie said is well, if it's true that light, which has a wavelength can have momentum, then it must also be true that matter, which has momentum, also has a wavelength.
It also can be said one of the most successfully love stories in the history of British films' development.
It can be said that real Japanese food culture is the culture fermentation, and the longevity of the Japanese, also very closely related to fermented food.
They've also said they're determined to find out what happened and how it can be prevented in the future.
"PV is also a scalable technology, which means that it can be deployed at someone's roof connected to a distribution grid or on available land connected to transmission lines," said Movellan.
It can be said, both at the macro changes on the images of collage student made a simple arrangement, but also on the microscopic images of the evolution process made more detailed comments.
'it also said that China's' future direction can be a source of concern 'stemming from its multiple' conflicting interests with neighboring countries, including Japan.
She also said it was important they were correctly fitted - some of the more expensive respirator masks are molded to fit the face unlike standard masks that can be bought on the high street.
He is still not reconciled, but also energetically with wings pulled a drag, it can be said of the vigor he had to eat rice so on, and can it iron screens absolutely still.
He is still not reconciled, but also energetically with wings pulled a drag, it can be said of the vigor he had to eat rice so on, and can it iron screens absolutely still.