It can be argued that much consumer dissatisfaction with marketing strategies arises from an inability to aim advertising at only the likely buyers of a given product.
It can be argued that this result may not mean much.
Conversely, it can be argued that Alibaba had little choice.
It can be argued that education has become a big part of the people's consumption.
It can be argued that the above features are to be expected from enterprise software.
In fact, it can be argued that science and mathematics are becoming increasingly important.
It can be argued that no player in the 2007 draft was as big as Yi (pronounced "Ee", as in "Big E").
If such automation is made available, then it can be argued that the pattern has a partial implementation.
It can be argued that computer communications have simply speeded up the whole process of change enormously.
It can be argued that any large piece of software today would have significant parts of it written by south Indians.
It can be argued that the complexity of the problems you can solve is directly related to the kind and quality of abstraction.
Britain wants the court to decline cases if it can be argued that well-run national courts have properly considered their merits.
It can be argued that the decision should be placed after Global task 3 and that this task should only occur once in the process model.
The finance committee report commented: "it can be argued that GSK had a duty to warn patients and the FDA of the Company's concerns."
This model supports dynamic and distributed attribute-based resource query, and it can be argued that this model has excellent scalability.
It can be argued that HIH's board was subservient to senior management resulting to a poor decision making is critical factor of this crisis.
On the other hand, it can be argued that sometimes knowledge gained from experience is much deeper and more comprehensive than that gained from books.
It can be argued that entrepreneurship and small business research is best pursued within established disciplines like economics, psychology and sociology.
Since our main point of interest will be the upper tail of the city size distribution it can be argued that their exclusion does not matter too much for our analysis.
It can be argued that the first model is not really multi-tenancy at all, but it is often used in a cloud with virtualized servers and promoted as a form of multi-tenancy.
It can be argued that the most recent addition to a key table or a credential cache is the most reasonable choice as a default; it is certainly one of the simplest choices.
It can be argued that moment and foresightedness are the essence of Intelligence that man's ability to manipulate both past and future as guides to present action, is what makes him human.
Indeed, it can be argued that this was the cause of the weak corporate governance that contributed mightily to the spectacular business failures of recent years, both on Main Street and Wall Street.
It is argued that the influence of transient investment on public companies can be adverse.
One thing is clear: the law in this area is malleable enough that it can be argued either way.
One thing is clear: the law in this area is malleable enough that it can be argued either way.