Sure, it can be interpreted as a negative statement, but if you think about it there are certain positive truths in this statement as well.
If a patient has scattered personal information in cyberspace for all to see, can it be interpreted as his or her choice to relinquish confidentiality on this information?
Now, I’m not sure how positive and negative started to be interpreted as good and bad, but for logical people, it can be very frustrating trying to make reality fit into positives and negatives.
This is another sign of anxiety. It can also be interpreted as a lack of preparedness.
I know this logo looks like a simple, boring green tree, but if you look at the tree crown, you'll see that it can also be interpreted as a brain.
It can also be interpreted as a lack of preparedness.
It is thought that, in research of Chinese mythology, Chinese mythology should be interpreted based on Chinese culture while foreign culture can serve only as means of insight and reference.
For example, you can use the HTML visualizer to view an HTML string as it would be interpreted and displayed in a browser.
But after bringing up it, I found it can be extended into the expression of arts as well. The mystery can be interpreted in sound, vision, space, light and etc.
Now, I'm not sure how positive and negative started to be interpreted as good and bad, but for logical people, it can be very frustrating trying to make reality fit into positives and negatives.
That which you have asked us to speak of can be interpreted in a way that isn't actually as it seems.
Only if such rights are upheld, it is contended, can the polling be interpreted as a free and fair expression of the country's desire.
Only if such rights are upheld, it is contended, can the polling be interpreted as a free and fair expression of the country's desire.