It suggests an executive committee with the power to reshape the panel's plans and respond to criticism.
It calls for new rules on conflict of interest (or more accurately, it calls for rules-at the moment the panel has none), a new full-time leadership position and a new executive committee.
In this process, the it executive steering committee plays an important role in the governance body.
“You can say he is guilty or he is guilty, it is just speculation, a lot of rumors,” the former FIFA executive committee member said.
Scott Blackmun, chief executive officer of the U. S. Olympic Committee, said it was result of hard work.
In particular, proposals for the protection of the steel industry, the Executive Committee said it will fight to shorten the time from launching investigation to imposing tariffs.
The Asian confederation has said it would leave its four executive committee members to vote as they wish rather than give an order.
The Executive Committee shall, in discharging its functions, use information from all relevant sources when the Committee deems it appropriate to do so.
It is run by its members through an elected executive committee of representatives, specialist working groups and a secretariat.
It has perfect organization structure with 123 Executive Committee members and Supervision Committee members.
本会组织架构完善,现届理监事会成员共 123 人。
It has perfect organization structure with 123 Executive Committee members and Supervision Committee members.
本会组织架构完善,现届理监事会成员共 123 人。