Spending all day in a cubicle bouncing ideas off another person is probably not your typical programmer's idea of a good time, and it can be stressful.
Kevin Fernandez says he'll do whatever it takes to make sure his family is happy and healthy — even if that means never taking a day off from work.
It snapped everyone awake and created a sense of urgency that is paying off to this day.
It is insanely fun to be building a restaurant's blog, then to go to a meeting about blood pressure machines, and finish the day off with learning about retirement funds.
"It is a Friday — a day hailed by workers," he said, adding that many people will have the day off because of the Veteran's day holiday.
The problem with a living sacrifice is that it can crawl off the altar, so you may have to surrender your life fifty times a day.
s ambition to maximise the personal information it holds on users is so great that the search engine envisages a day when it can tell people what jobs to take and how they might spend their days off.
The day before Thanksgiving is generally a dull time in American offices, as workers lackadaisically shove papers around their desks until it is time to knock off early for the holiday.
So, it is an important festival that nearly everyone will have a day off.
And I would like to tell you that Chinese Spring festival is also a popular festival in UK, people have a day off and celebrate it just as we celebrate Christmas here in China.
I will let shareholders know immediately should my health situation change. Eventually, of course, it will; but I believe that day is a long way off.
Otherwise, listen to your aching body and give it a day off training to recover, as the muscle pain is actually a key part of the muscles adapting.
It is mostly celebrated with a day off from school or work, which is used for recreational activities such as trips to parks or relaxing.
Thank you. Oh, what a hard day it is! Now I can get the load off my feet.
Lei: Tomorrow is my day off. Or, if it isn't a problem, could you finish all of this tomorrow? Then we can both go home now!
So, if today... if tomorrow is a day you can take off, it probably would be a good thing to stay home.
It is a very good idea to write down the tasks you need to achieve in each day. As you complete them, tick them off.
However, some companies in New Zealand find this as an acceptable reason for taking a day off. It is counted as paid sick leave.
In Chinese legend, it is said that an artist one day painted a horse so vividly that it galloped off the page.
That day, I came back in the restroom to wash their hands, found the tap is out of order, a clear water like a waterfall flowing, I had thought to turn it off, but can't get it, turn the tap off.
Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that covers your teeth and gums. It develops constantly and you clean it off every day when you brush your teeth.
But the rule is that if it sticks to the ground, school is canceled. It would be a great excuse to get the day off.
This seems to be the usual day off, when I can't change anything, including age, although it is only a figure.
It is easier to dry out a drunk, take someone off hard drugs or watch a three-pack-a-day smoker go cold Turkey than live with a fan during a long losing streak.
The monotony, the rejection, and the time requirements are just a few of the reasons prospecting is passed over or put off by many Sales Professionals day after day until soon, it is too late.
Is it okay to have a day off next week?
It is going to be painful for a little while longer but at the end of the day we will be that much better off.
It is going to be painful for a little while longer but at the end of the day we will be that much better off.